World Language

students and teacher watching a globe earth

The World Language program in the Cumberland County School System focuses on using languages in real-world situations. Students learn language that prepares them to communicate with others through oral language, print, and media. This emphasis on communication aligns with state and national standards.

The Cumberland County Schools World Language curriculum is built upon the Essential Standards for K-12 World Languages that were developed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction in 2011. The philosophical foundation of the curriculum is the timeless truth that communication with others is central to human nature. As the mindset of the world community continues to become less isolationist as geographical and cultural boundaries fade, the need for learning to speak and understand other languages becomes increasingly vital to interacting with the rest of the world.

 The North Carolina World Language Essential Standards are based on the following principles:

  • All students can learn a second or world language.

  • Any language can be used to teach academic content.

  • Language acquisition is a lifelong process.

  • Language skills increase as students acquire proficiency.

  • Students develop insights into other cultures, as well as their own, when learning another language.

 It is the belief of the Cumberland County World Language Department that for a student to be fully prepared to function in a 21st century global society, he/she must include the study of other languages and cultures. To this end, Cumberland County has developed a comprehensive K-12 World Language program that seeks to ensure proficiency at every level of study. Please click on the links to the right of the page to explore the range of studies offered by our school system.