Non-Discrimination Policy and Grievances

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Equal Employment Opportunity

It is the policy of Cumberland County Schools to provide all applicants for employment with equal employment opportunities and to provide current employees with training, compensation, promotion and other benefits of employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, military affiliation, sex, age, genetic information or disability, except when sex, age or physical requirements are essential occupational qualifications. All candidates will be evaluated on their merits and qualifications for positions. All employment decisions will be consistent with the board’s objective of providing students with the opportunity to receive a sound basic education, as required by state law.

Inquiries regarding compliance with Equal Employment Opportunities may be directed to the Cumberland County Schools’ Human Resources Department at 910-678-2629 or by visiting their site at Cumberland County Schools’ Human Resources Department.

Policy Code: 7100 Recruitment and Selection of Personnel

Equal Educational Opportunities

Cumberland County Schools affirms the principle that every student, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ethnic origin, sex, cultural or economic background, or disability, should be given an equal opportunity for a sound basic education. Furthermore, no student, on the basis of sex, marital status, pregnancy, or parenthood, will be excluded from participating in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity conducted by the school system. The school system will treat its students without discrimination with regard to course offerings, athletics, counseling, employment assistance and extracurricular activities.

Any individual, who believes that he or she has been discriminated against, harassed or bullied is strongly encouraged to file a complaint orally or, preferably, in writing to any of the following individuals:

a. the principal or assistant principal of the school at which either the alleged perpetrator or alleged victim attends or is employed;
b. an immediate supervisor if the individual making the complaint is an employee;
c. an associate superintendent or designee if the alleged perpetrator or alleged victim is an employee of the school system (or the superintendent if the associate superintendent is the alleged perpetrator);
d. the Title IX coordinator, Sharon President at 910-678-2328 for claims of sex discrimination or sexual harassment (see policy 1720/4030/7235  for contact information);
e. the Section 504 Coordinator, Natasha Scott at 910-678-2433 or the ADA Coordinator, Laura Young at 910-678-2591 for claims of discrimination on the basis of a disability (see policy 1730/4022/7231  for contact information); or
f. for claims of other forms of prohibited discrimination, the applicable civil rights coordinator as established in policy 1710/4020/7230.

Policy Code: 4001 Equal Educational Opportunities

Title IX
The Cumberland County Schools Board acknowledges the dignity and worth of all students and employees and strives to create a safe, orderly, caring and inviting school environment to facilitate student learning and achievement.  The board prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age and will provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups as required by law.  The board will not tolerate any form of unlawful discrimination, harassment or bullying in any of its educational or employment activities or programs. 

Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, Sharon President at 910-678-2328.

Policy Code: 1720/4030/7235 Title IX Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex

Policy Code: 1725/4035/7236 Title IX Sexual Harassment – Prohibited Conduct and Reporting Process

Policy Code: 1726/4036/7237 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process

Cumberland County Schools Title IX Training

CCS Title IX Complaint Form

Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities
Cumberland County Schools will not discriminate against qualified persons with disabilities on the basis of a disability.  This non-discrimination policy includes, but is not limited to, benefits of and participation in system programs and activities.  The system will provide aids, benefits and school services to a person with disabilities in the most integrated school setting appropriate to his or her needs so that he or she may have an opportunity commensurate to that provided to persons without disabilities to obtain the same results, gain the same benefit or reach the same level of achievement.

Inquiries regarding compliance with Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities may be directed to the Section 504 Coordinator, Natasha Scott at 910-678-2433 or the ADA Coordinator, Laura Young at 910-678-2591. 

Policy Code: 1710/4020/7230 Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited by Federal Law

Policy Code: 1730/4022/7231 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities

Student and Parent Grievance Procedure

Cumberland County Schools strives to resolve concerns and complaints of students and parents whenever possible. To this end, the board has provided opportunities for students and parents to express their concerns through processes established in board policies. Policy Code: 1742/5060 Responding to Complaints, identifies these different processes, including a mechanism for resolving complaints in an informal manner.

While the board encourages resolutions of complaints through informal means, it recognizes that at times a formal process may be necessary for certain types of complaints or if the informal process did not produce satisfactory results. 

This policy does not apply to grievances alleging discrimination, harassment or bullying, including complaints arising under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Such grievances shall be processed under Policy Code: 1710/4020/7230 Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited by Federal Law.

Any parent or student who has questions about the options for proceeding with a complaint or concern may contact the principal or superintendent for further information and copies of all applicable board policies.

Inquiries regarding the process and guidelines for compliances with Student and Parent Grievance Procedures may be directed to Policy Code: 1740/4010 Student and Parent Grievance Procedure.