Prime Time

Contact Us

Who do you contact concerning DSS Vouchers/CCAA?

Beverly Briales
Email Beverly Briales

Who do you contact concerning Parent Portal?

Kathleen McNeill
Email Kathleen McNeill

Who do you contact for questions concerning DCDEE Licensure?

Annee Villareal
Email Annee Villareal

Who do you contact for questions concerning refunds?

Joyce Forte 
Email Joyce Forte 

Quick Links

kids in a circle looking up

Join Prime Time for hours of fun after the bell! Prime Time has been a trusted child care provider for thousands of families for 31 years and is a North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education 3-star licensed program. Parents can spend their afternoons confident their child is in a safe environment. Prime Time has the potential to offer before and after-school care at all Cumberland County elementary schools. A minimum of 15 participants is required to have a program at your child’s school. During Prime Time children have the opportunity to participate in sports, games, arts and crafts and special events or time is available to complete homework. Children have the opportunity to explore activity areas or participate in staff-instructed activities throughout the afternoon.

Objective:  Prime Time’s objective is to provide a comprehensive before and after-school care program for children.

Goal:  Prime Time's goals are to help children develop their fullest potential by focusing on:

  • Physical and recreational skills.

  • Self-awareness, confidence, and feelings of self-worth.

  • Promoting creativity and self-expression.

  • Promoting independence and decision-making.

  • Interpersonal relationships.

Prime Time provides a safe and healthy environment where children can have fun.

We support and strengthen the family unit and school relationships by focusing on:

  • Improving communications

  • Involvement through parents, clubs, and family programs.


Click here to access the EZCHILDTRACK Parent Portal to begin the registration process.