Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3)

What is the Compact? 

The Compact deals with the challenges of military children and their frequent relocations. It allows for uniform treatment as military children transfer between school districts in member states. Note: The Compact only applies to public schools. 

While the Compact is not exhaustive in its coverage, it does address the key issues encountered by military families: eligibility, enrollment, placement, and graduation. In addition, the Compact provides for a detailed governance structure at both the state and national levels with built-in enforcement and compliance mechanisms. The goal of the Compact is to replace the widely varying policies affecting transitioning military students. 

Who is Covered by the Compact?

  • Active duty members of the uniformed services, including members of the National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders (Title 10)

  • Members or veterans who are medically discharged or retired for one year

  • Members who die on active duty, for one year after death

  • Uniformed members of the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and United States Public health Services (USPHS)

Who to Contact with Questions about the Compact?

If you have a question about the Interstate Compact or compliance issues within Cumberland County Schools, please contact one of the district Military Family and Youth Liaisons. Parents wishing to appeal Compact decisions made by district leadership should contact the Fort Bragg School Liaison Officers and the N.C. MIC3 State Commissioner for assistance. 

Additional Resources about the Compact: