Welcome to the CCS Intranet Portal

ACA Marketplace (Exchange) Notice

Below you will find the Federal Healthcare Reform notice, which we are required to distribute to all employees. Please note that our health plan meets the Federal Government’s criteria that:

  • Our plan provides the minimum essential coverage, which means the plan covers at least 60% of the total allowed cost for medical care.

  • Our plan is affordable with the cost of no more than 9.5% of your W-2 wages.

All Eligible Employees for our plan would not be eligible for coverage through The Marketplace since we meet both standards stated above.

Please contact Pam Edge in Finance should you have additional questions.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Dear Premier Professionals,

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with BHS as our new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider.

Ensuring that you have access to timely and high-quality resources that help you be at your best is a top priority for Cumberland County Schools. This new program is free, highly confidential and is available 24/7 to all employees and household family members.

Here are some of the highlights of the available services:

  • Master’s level clinicians for in-the-moment support and guidance when you need someone to talk to

  • Behavioral health resource navigation including short-term counseling support

  • Browse lifestyle management resources

  • Participate in a training or the monthly webinar series

To connect with a Care Coordinator, call 800-327-2251. You can also:

  • Visit the MyBHS portal at portal.bhsonline.com and enter username: CCS to connect via Live Chat or request services through an online form

  • Download the BHS App on your phone for quick one-touch dialing and access to the MyBHS portal (search “BHS App”)

We sincerely hope that you will take advantage of this free resource and welcome your feedback as you begin to interact with BHS.


Human Resources


EAP Assistance

How to Access Services

Employee Links

Employee Benefits

Phone Numbers/Directories

Maintenance Dispatch - 678-2560

Safety & Security - 678-2488

Switchboard - 678-2300

Technology Helpdesk - 678-2618

Transportation Dispatch - 678-2580

Technology Programs - Who to Contact

CCS Central Services Directory Updated 12.10.24 (Two Columns)

CCS Central Services Directory Updated 12.10.24 (Three Columns)