Energy & HVAC

The Energy Department is responsible for Energy Management, Utility Management, and HVAC building controls.

Energy Management promotes the wise use of our natural resources. This department provides information to schools to assist in conservation and conducts periodic mechanical inspections, to ensure that systems are updated, as needed, and running efficiently.

The HVAC Department is responsible for the operation of all heating and air conditioning equipment.

After-hours Scheduling:

The contact person in charge of facilities, or the designated backup person, shall be responsible for submitting scheduling requests, through the Maintenance Work Order System. Once the user has logged in, “ENERGY RUN” is accessed through the Outlook bar to the left of the screen. Requests should be made forty-eight (48) hours in advance.

Energy Conservation:

Since the early 90s, Cumberland County Schools has aggressively sought opportunities for energy conservation, through the use of capital funds, for the implementation of facility improvement measures. In addition, schools are required to demonstrate commitment to conservation by participating in the Energy Incentive Plan. Schools that can reduce their electrical consumption (kilowatt-hours) by 4%, or more, and are able to maintain an annual reduction, are eligible for incentive dollars. Schools meeting the program requirements will receive 25% of their total electric savings. Last year, 31 schools were eligible for a portion of the $64,603 reallocated from the utility budget.

As costs continue to rise, and our budget dollars are squeezed, it is essential that we prevent the wasteful use of energy, and efficiently heat, cool, and light our schools. Energy conservation is important for a number of reasons: (1) Energy conservation is a good investment (ECONOMICS), (2) We have a moral obligation to conserve our natural resources and nonrenewable energy supplies for future generations (STEWARDSHIP), (3) Schools are role models for the community. Schools should set a good example by demonstrating to others the methods and benefits of energy conservation (ROLE MODEL).

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Contact Us

Jamie Pratscher, Supervisor Energy/HVAC

Benny Godwin, HVAC Foreman

Vacant, HVAC Assistant Foreman

Victoria Tew, Energy Clerk