Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System
Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System (CIFMS)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) and Article Nine of North Carolina state law require that the Department of Public Instruction monitor local education agencies (LEAs) on a regular basis to ensure compliance with state and federal laws, rules and regulations that govern the provision of special education and related services to children with disabilities. The purpose of this monitoring is to focus federal, state, and local resources on improved results for children with disabilities.
The State Exceptional Children Division (ECD) is responsible for conducting all monitoring activities through the continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System (CIFMS). Activities include: Program Compliance Reviews; Targeted On-Site Monitoring; Focused Monitoring; and LEA Program Assessments.
The Exceptional Children Division (ECD) is committed to improving outcomes for students with disabilities by: Providing customized support to LEAs. Building LEA capacity to sustain best practices. Building stronger relationships, problem-solving, and making decisions collaboratively with stakeholders. Implementing an effective general supervision system.
As part of this vision and the ECD's Results Driven Accountability (RDA) work, the ECD has developed an LEA Self-Assessment process. The purpose of the LEA Self-Assessment is to support district, regional, and state data analysis and planning to enhance current practice and improve student outcomes. The process will also bridge improvement efforts driven by State Board of Education goals, Agency Initiatives, OSEP requirements and ECD Strategic Vision.
The Cumberland County Exceptional Children’s Program developed the Performance Improvement Plan submitted on July 1, 2016 and approved by ECD. The following are the goals and objectives for the following three years:
CCS will use district data and a problem solving strategy to identify and prioritize needs at the middle school level in the area of reading. CCS will develop a strategic plan for math and literacy that results in a full continuum of support. CCS will research initiatives, practices and instructional methods that best address high priority needs including focus on coaching and feedback. The LEA will develop an initiative inventory as we complete a literacy and math plan to assure current programs are implemented with fidelity and outcomes are positive.
CCS will use district data and a problem solving strategy to identify and prioritize needs on state indicators that include graduation rate, dropout rate, service continuums, statewide assessments, rates of suspensions and expulsion, preschool programs/services, parental involvement, disproportion of minorities, timelines, transitions and compliance. CCS will develop a strategic plan to address all priority needs with input from a variety of stakeholders including parent focus groups, teachers and students.
CCS will Identify schools in need of interventions based on 2015/16 discipline, EOG testing, teacher satisfaction and graduation rates. We will develop data driven procedures to identify, implement and monitor evidence-based behavioral instruction and practices and research student centered teaching strategies using technology to improve student engagement in EC classrooms. CCS will provide professional development for improved teacher engagement especially at the middle and high school grades.
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Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: (910) 678-2440
Fax: (910) 678-2620
Dr. Ayanna Jones Richard
Executive Director
John A. McMillan