School Profile
Grades Pre-K – 5
Traditional 10 – Month Calendar
Phone: 910-864-3442
Fax: 910-867-2940
At Cliffdale Elementary School our vision is to inspire students to become productive citizens who collaborate, communicate and utilize technology to compete in the global community.
We, the staff at Cliffdale Elementary School, believe that the individual needs of students can best be met in a caring, safe environment where the student-centered atmosphere fosters individual success, academic achievement, responsibility, and self-esteem. The involvement of parents and our community, as a part of our team, ensures that each child will develop mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and culturally with an awareness of individual differences and a respect for others.
Cliffdale Elementary School strives every day to meet the educational and environmental needs of all of our students. In turn, each student pledges every day to work hard to become the best person they can be. Together Everyone Achieves More!