School Profile

New Century International Elementary - Welcome to our school
Grades Pre-K-5
Traditional 10 – Month Calendar
Website: New Century International Elementary
Phone: 910-487-2340
Fax: 910-487-2344
Mission Statement: Our mission is to create a nurturing global environment where high expectations for all will produce creative, responsible, lifelong learners.
Vision Statement: As a school community, we will be globally engaged citizens. With integrity and enthusiasm, we will open minds to a world of possibilities.
New Century International Elementary School takes pride in being recognized as an internationally themed elementary school. Our international focus offers students, staff, parents, and our community knowledge of other world regions and cultures, awareness of international and global issues, skills to work effectively in cross-cultural environments, ability to communicate in multiple languages and mutual respect for other cultures and people. This learning is integrated throughout the curriculum and in all subject areas as we follow the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
New Century International Elementary School rests in a learning community that supports all students of all backgrounds and ability levels, fostering self-confidence, self-discipline, and self-worth in every student while enabling each student to realize success in school and beyond.
Our goal is to prepare children to become Global Learners, Global Thinkers, and Global Citizens of the 21st Century.