
We believe Max Abbott students thrive when they are connected. We offer a wide range of clubs that give a sense of ownership in their school career and become well-rounded citizens. Our clubs create opportunities to learn life and relationship skills that will carry through to adulthood. But they can also be a lot of fun!

Encourage your child to find a place to fit in, meet great friends, and challenge themselves on their journey to becoming!

Battle of the Books

Students read books from a list established by the state Battle of the Books committee and then compete in a quiz-bowl-style tournament to test their knowledge of these books. Battle of the Books is used to motivate middle school students to read books from a wide variety of genres. The team is made up of 12 students – grades 6 through 8.

Coach: Lindsey Ward

25-26 MBOB Book List

Campus Life

Campus Life meets in eleven schools in Cumberland County and in 1,000+ schools in the USA. Campus Life combines healthy relationships with creative programs to help young people make good choices, establish a solid foundation for life, and positively impact their schools. Campus Life is a place for students to have fun, make friends, and talk about what matters. Campus Life provides a balanced approach – physical, mental, social, and spiritual – to give students the skills and hope they need to live in a turbulent world. Campus Life welcomes every student, and there is no cost to participate. Food and drinks are provided free of charge.

Campus Life Director: 
The club meets every Friday at 2:50-3:50 in the Mini Theater.

Faculty sponsor:


All interested students may try out for Forensics by memorizing parts of a speech. There are several areas of competition: Storytelling, Duo, Original Oratory, Extemporaneous Speaking, and Humorous Interpretation

Coach: Rebecca Rutz


Junior Student 2 Student Club is a student-led service program focused on welcoming new students to Max Abbott Middle School and becoming leaders. The organization brings military and civilian students together, welcome new students, create a positive environment, support academic excellence, and ease transitions to our community. 

National Junior Honor Society

The purpose of The Ruth Johnson Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society of Max Abbott Middle School is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage citizenship.

To be eligible for nomination a student must have a cumulative average of at least 90 for the 6th grade and first semester of 7th grade. Candidates must have been in attendance at R. Max Abbott Middle School the equivalent of one semester. Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Students who have received ISS or OSS are not eligible for membership. The selection of each member to the chapter shall be by a majority vote of the faculty. Any active National Junior Honor Society member who receives ISS or OSS will have his/her membership revoked.
Candidates are inducted in a formal ceremony in the spring. Family members are invited to the ceremony. Membership dues must be paid prior to the Induction Ceremony. Students who are inducted into a chapter of The National Junior Honor Society at another school are welcomed to join Max Abbott’s chapter as long as proper documentation is available. Transfer members must meet Max Abbott’s chapter’s standards within one semester to retain membership.
Members will be involved in many service projects throughout the school year. All members are expected to maintain the chapter’s standards in order to remain members. Meetings are held periodically during the school day. Some after-school meetings are held as needed. Janet Tartaglia is our AIG and NJHS Coordinator.

Pep Band

Pep Band has the awesome job of “pepping” up the players and crowd at home football and basketball games. This group is made up of 2nd and 3rd-year band students who practice after school for performances at games and other school events.

Sewing Club

The sewing club meets on Wednesday afternoons. It covers embroidery to sewing on a button to repairing a hem to quilting a pillow for personal uses. We also work on community projects by making stockings, drawstring bags, and making scarves.

All students are welcome to join. Students can be at the skill level of never having held a needle to having their own sewing machine.

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