Student Resources

A Maths Dictionary for Kids
An interactive, animated math dictionary with over 630 common math terms and words explained in simple language with examples.

AAA Know
AAA Know provides free interactive math lessons about basic arithmetic and related K-8 math topics.

AR Book Finder
AR BookFinder is a web-based search tool that was created for parents, guardians, and students to search for appropriate Accelerated Reader books.

Book Adventure
Book Adventure is a fun, free way to motivate your child to read!  Kids in grades K-8 can search for books, read them offline, come back to quiz on what they’ve read, and earn prizes for their reading success.

Cumberland County Public Library
Cumberland County Public Library offers a wide variety of materials and programs for all.

Access your school library account, renew your books, place holds and more.

Sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, provides web access to some of the world’s great museums, libraries, cultural institutions, and universities. Lesson plans are also available for educators.
A free online encyclopedia with entries, article, facts, images and more from authoritative and respected sources often used in libraries.

Fact Monster
Find information about a variety of subjects ranging from weather facts to homework help to quizzes and games.

Generation On
Whether you are looking for something to do after school or to fulfill a service requirement, you’ll find inspiration to change the world around you here. This interactive website has a volunteer position search, blogs full of personal stories, and offers project tips from young people like you!

KidLit TV
KidLit TV utilizes technologies such as videos and podcasts to promote children’s literature and to inspire kids to read, write, and draw.

Merriam-Webster Online
Aside from the wonderful access to the dictionary, this site offers words games and a word for the day.

New York Times' Learning Network
The New York Times Learning Network provides teaching and learning materials and ideas based on NYT content.  It includes lesson plans and resources for teachers as well as quizzes and activities for students 13 and older.

Looking for images to include in a project?  Teachers and students are granted permission to use all of the free images in this collection.

The Purdue Online Writing Lab
Nationally reknowned site for writing expertise.  Learn more about grammar, punctuation, and citing sources.

Your Dictionary
Provides an easy-to-use search engine for words and the results are quite detailed.  Also offers 400 different language dictionaries.